Thursday, April 13, 2006

ho hum...

has anyone ever seen the eHarmony commercail with that couple that talks about how they only lived like 10 miles apart and never met and all that crap? the point is that i think it's so funny cuz the woman is constantly talking over the man about their relationship. will it last? eHarmony thinks so.


nothing has really been going on. i brought home a treadmill the other day and i've actually used it. i was running on it; which is scary when you're not holding the rails.

living with my sister isn't so bad unless she needs to go to work super early and there's clothes on hangers that need to be hung in the closet. if you've met amy you know she doesn't do anything quiet. this morning i was awoken to clacking plastic hangers and a paper old navy bag being folded up and put away. sometimes i hate her and then she does all my laundry for me and changes my bed and I LOVE HER!

i'm so fickle.


Blogger valerie said...

that eharmony commercial CRACKS ME UP. where the guy is just standing there like "uh, yeah."

2:42 AM

Blogger Sara said...


obviously his perfect match was a harpie woman who did all his talking for him?

1:18 PM

Blogger valerie said...

no wonder he couldn't get a date ;)

8:32 PM

Blogger Sara said...

he couldn't get a date because he lives with his mom and she wouldn't allow him.

(but she passed away and now it's party time)


10:23 PM


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