Monday, October 24, 2005

Burning down the house

This was at our annual "sportun bonfire". Wicked awesome, right? See, my Mom is the biggest pyro that ever walked the earth. Her favorite season-Fall. You know why? Because the leaves fall, need to be raked and therefore need to be burned. I'm telling you, she's psycho.

What we do is starting every spring we prune all 300 trees on the property(exaggerating slightly but there are a lot). We build a pile with all the branches from Spring through early Fall. We also add on anything else that might burn. Let's say Allen decides to rip out the cabinets in his kitchen-they get thrown on the pile. Melissa is bored one day and decides to tear off the paneling in the basement-it gets thrown on the pile. My Dad has three bags of scrap studs from our jobs-they get sorted through and tossed on the pile. My mom gets a burst of energy and starts rumaging through the basement-I think you get the point.

This year we actually had two bonfires; one on Mother's Day and the second about a month ago. Dude, it's such a killer time. I wish you all could have been there. Of course one of our newer neighbors didn't have a clue and called the fire department because our "house" was on fire. Newbies, I tell ya. So, I guess that makes it 4 years running for the fire department to make a showing. This is one reason I like living out here. The freedom to do what we want on our 5 acres and the privacy we have is amazing. It's so refreshing sometimes.


Blogger mace said...

Next time I think you should INVITE the fire department to come out and hang with you all.

I love your mom.

The only critique I could ever have is this: can you tell us approximately how big that fire in the photo is? Like compare it to something?

9:35 PM

Blogger Sara said...

i would compare it to a two story house. seriously, it was out of control in a controled way.

As soon as you walked out the backdoor you could feel the heat, which is a total of about 75 feet from the house. way cool.

10:48 PM


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